What is the most money you would pay for your perfect face makeup?
As a makeup fanatic, I invest a lot of my money to try as many brands and products as my wallet can withstand. But the reality is, I only have one face and as much as I'd like to get through products as fast as I can so I can go out and replace them with new and different products, sometimes products just don't get finished before they get tossed. So if you think about it, that $50 foundation ended up costing you more if you ended up tossing it with some product left. *Keep in mind, you should toss a foundation after a maximum of two years - some say less, but it sometimes depends on the foundation.
Although I always like to keep the overall value in mind (sometimes I justify an expensive blush or bronzer if it comes with a hefty amount of product), but when it comes to face makeup, no matter what brand you go to, you're most likely going to end up with that same 1 oz of product, so you kind of have to offset the value for the price.
Also, face makeup (or foundation) typically gets used up the fastest from any other item of makeup and has to be replaced often. I rarely ever use the same foundation for more than a couple of weeks at a time, but I remember back in '06-07 when MAC Studio Fix Fluid was my "ish", and I was buying a bottle every 4 weeks. If you're using an expensive foundation, that can get pretty expensive!
So my question for all of you is - What's the most money you'd spend for your perfect face makeup? Whether it be a liquid foundation, powder, tinted moisturizer, etc.
The Results are:
Whatever the price may be! - 9 votes ( 3%)
$100+ - 6 votes (2%)
$80 - $95 - 5 votes (2%)
$60 - $75 - 38 votes (15%)
$40 - $55 - 95 votes (39%)
$20 - $35 - 65 votes (26%)
$15 and under - 23 votes (9%)
This poll is based on 241 votes.
I'm actually in the majority vote, which is $40 - $55. I personally don't like going over the $60 mark. I'll buy a Chanel Foundation for $55 and Guerlain for $58, but I've never gone over that for face makeup. There are so many products I'd like to try (Chantecaille, Cle de Peau, Tom Ford, etc) but I just have it engraved in my head that anything more than that $58 I pay for Guerlain Parure Extreme is just too much, and I'll look elsewhere.
Have you already found your HG face makeup? If they raised the price by $20 would you still continue to purchase it, or would you look elsewhere? Do you find certain items of makeup more justifiable than others? Do you usually keep value in mind when purchasing expensive makeup, or do you solely look at the price tag?