Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Neiman Marcus for Target 70% Off.

Maybe you knew, maybe you didn't, but starting in the month of December, Neiman Marcus collaborated with Target and put out a collection of 50 different holiday gifts by 25 top designers on the Target shelves.

I thought it was a really cool collaboration, but I personally, was left feeling a little underwhelmed by the collection when I first viewed it online, so I never ended up checking it out in stores.

A few days ago while shopping at Target I stumbled upon the collection, and was really surprised to see the amount of stock left - everything was 70% off, and there was so much of everything left. I quickly grabbed a cart expecting to get a lot of stuff, but I saw threads hanging from a lot of the clothes and the trinkets looked cheaply made - many of which were really scratched (or broken) from being handled. I ended up getting two things though that I found by Marc Jacobs, because I love him, and I thought they were a pretty good deal.

Marc Jacobs Rose Gold Pouch - reg. $69.99, sale $20.99

This pouch doesn't serve much of a purpose.. I thought about using it as a casual clutch, but since there is no wristlet to hold onto, it'd probably make a better makeup or coupon bag. I think it's cute though, and I love the rose gold metallic coloring. It's also a nice firm leather.

Marc Jacobs Scarf - reg. $69.99, sale $20.99

I'm a huge scarf fanatic, so this scarf was pretty much mandatory. It's really fragile though, so be aware of that. It can easily snag.

Both items are still available on the Target and Neiman Marcus website, as well as many other items.

Did you end up getting anything? I was going to also get the Derek Lam Slippers, but my Mom thought they were hideous, so I ended up putting them back. haha!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

YSL Le Teint Touche Eclat Illuminating Foundation Review!

YSL Le Teint Touche Eclat Illuminating Foundation

YSL Le Teint Touche Eclat Illuminating Foundation ($55) is a newer foundation by YSL that is inspired by their best-selling Touche Eclat Illuminating Pen. It's described as a weightless, illuminating foundation that will even out the complexion and enhance the skin's natural beauty. Contains SPF 19.

YSL Touche Eclat Foundation is available in (17) shades: B10, BD10, BR20, B30, BR30, B40, BD40, BR40, BD50, BR50, B60, BD60, BR60, B70, BD70, B80 and B90.

BR (Beige Rose) shades are for those with cool/pink undertones, BD (Beige Dore) shades are for those with warm golden undertones and B (Beige) shades are for balanced/beige undertones. It's really helpful to take a look at the Sephora site for a better description of each shade.

I purchased this foundation without doing any research and purchased the shade BD40 as Sephora describes it as being for light to medium skintones with golden/honey undertones. It ended up being way too light for my current medium MAC NC35 coloring. It's better geared for NC20. After reading reviews it sounds like BD50 would've been a better match for me.

BD40 swatched and blended on the back of my hand.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

A quick update. Awaiting my new camera.

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to give you all a little update as I've been missing in action this past week. As much as I've wanted to post for you all, I've been having major lighting/camera issues this past month. My camera might look pretty snazzy, but in all honesty, it's only a good outdoor camera. Now that it's too cold and gloomy outside to photograph, I've been stuck trying my best to photograph indoors with very mediocre results. I take pride in the photos and content I put out for you all, and I just wouldn't be happy providing you all with photos that aren't good quality as well as good color accuracy, etc.

So, I'm really excited to let you know that I ordered my first SLR camera earlier in the week and I've been anxiously awaiting receiving it! I ended up choosing a Canon EOS Rebel T4i 18 Megapixels Digital SLR Camera, and I'm feeling really optimistic that I'm going to like it a lot.

I'm looking forward to doing more tutorials, as this camera has a viewfinder so I actually see what I'm photographing. I'm sure it will make doing tutorials a million times easier.

I'll talk to you all very soon! I just wanted to keep you posted, so won't think I forgot about you! ;)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!

Wishing all of you a wonderful 2013! Let this new year bring fresh starts, less procrastination, great health, prosperity and lots of love and happiness.

I'm sure all of us can say that 2012 went by so quick, and many of us can say that they don't feel like as much was accomplished as they would have liked to.

Life is so short, and each and every one of us is capable of doing so much with our lives if we just push ourselves a bit more.

I want to look back at 2013 by the next New Year and be able to say that 2013 was a great year. I'm confident in myself that I can accomplish just that.

One of my big concerns this year is looking after my health better. I'm not getting any younger and I really want to put an end to bad eating habits and lack of regular exercise. I'm very famous for yo-yo dieting, and I'll stick to a change of diet for a few months, get to where I want to be and then I'll lose motivation and go back to where I started. After losing my Dad to heart disease, it really makes me think more about what I want to put into my body. I want to live a healthy life, and starting this year, I know I will succeed.

I think the biggest thing is giving yourself tangible, realistic goals. Maybe you want to fit into a size 2 by your birthday. It seems far-fetched  but you feel like you won't be happy until you get into those size 2's. Maybe you fall off your diet for a few days and you gain a couple of pounds, or maybe you see your weight plateau, and you've lost your motivation because you feel like you'll never be able to reach your goal by the time you gave yourself. It's like trying to run on a treadmill at the highest speed for the first time. You might want to, but it takes time to build your endurance. Everything takes time. Nothing happens over night. Set smaller goals for yourself that you will be able to reach and you'll be more successful in the long run. That goes for anything.

Good luck to you all!!

Do any of you have any New Year resolutions? Share in the comments! :)

Friday, December 28, 2012

Weekly Poll Results - How Many Days out of the Week do you Follow a Skincare Routine?

How Many Days out of the Week do you Follow a Skincare Routine?

I have fairly good skin, but I know if I followed a skincare routine a little more habitually, I'd no doubt have near perfect skin. I have a habit of following a regimen and once I start seeing results, I begin to slack. Maybe I'll follow a routine for a couple of weeks and my skin will look amazing. So, for the next week I'll feel like I won't have to work as hard and only follow my routine a couple of days and use makeup wipes on most days. Then I'll get into it again, and then slack again. It's like a vicious cycle! But realistically if I kept up with every aspect of my beauty routine, I'd be ridiculously high maintenanced.

So I thought this would be a good weekly poll question. So, how well do you keep up with your skincare routine? What I mean by a routine is anything more than washing your face in the shower (exfoliate, cleanse, use treatments, serums, masks, moisturizers, etc.)

The Results Are:

7 days, My skincare routine is very important - 82 votes (38%)
5-6 days, I'm pretty good about it on most days - 60 votes (28%)
3-4 days, I do it whenever I remember - 27 votes (12%)
1-2 days, I tend to slack - 16 votes (7%)
0 days, I don't follow a routine - 4 votes (1%)
All I do is wash my face and I'm done! - 17 votes (8%)
Makeup wipes are my best friend, I rarely do anything else - 6 votes (2%)

This poll is based on 212 votes.

I was really surprised to see the large percentage of those that take good care of their skin! The number one answer is 7 days.

So my question for you is, do you stick by your routine every day because it has become so familiar to you as brushing your teeth would be? Or do you have problematic skin? Or do you simply take pride in your skin and always want it to look it's best.

Although I do take good care of my skin, I sometimes see applying all of my products as a chore. Maybe I'll make it one of my New Year resolutions to take better care of my skin!

A couple of days ago I ordered Grapeseed, Rose Hip and Almond Oil from Amazon and I'm really excited to incorporate them in the skincare routine. I love using natural oils and I'm hoping these will all agree with my skin type. I'll keep you postesd.

Jewelmint Cersai Necklace Review!

Jewelmint Cersai Necklace

This is my last Jewelmint post of the month, I swear! It's pretty rare for me to find more than one item I want from month to month, but I really liked the selection for December and ending up getting three items in total. The last item I'll be posting about is the Cersai Necklace.

Jewelmint Cersai Necklace is a really edgy piece with a double box chain that features matching spike/cone & rhinestone beads on each side and a large abstract tribal inspired rhinestone pendant with dangling spikes. It links with a toggle closure.

When I first saw this piece I thought the style was a bit "tough" and edgy, and the fact that the shape of the pendant is so unique/different, it really drew to me to it. I love spikes when they are incorporated in an accessory in a tasteful manner, and I like how the are only an accent in this necklace and not the main focus. The more I look at it, it really does have a tribal feel - the spikes remind me a bit of teeth or horns that you might see on tribal or native jewelry.

The actual quality of the necklace is so-so. It looks like a heavy duty necklace, but it's actually very light and feels a bit hollow. I'm slightly disappointed that it isn't a more weighty piece, but it doesn't take away from the visual appeal of the necklace itself.

Happy Holidays!

Sorry for my lack of updates this week. The holidays can get a bit hectic! For those of you that celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a joy-filled one! Otherwise, I hope you enjoyed your day off.

I can't believe how fast 2012 flew by, but I suppose there really isn't a year that doesn't go by fast. Do any of you have New Years plans yet? I usually don't know until last minute, but it will probably be spent in a home setting with family.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy your holiday and I hope you have a happy and safe New Year!

PS. Aren't those cookies adorable? You can find the recipe here (or substitute with your own peanut butter cookie recipe).

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Giorgio Armani #8 Champagne Eyes to Kill Intense Eyeshadow Review, Photos and Swatches!

Giorgio Armani #8 Champagne Eyes to Kill Intense Eyeshadow

Giorgio Armani #8 Champagne Eyes to Kill Intense Eyeshadow

Giorgio Armani #8 Champagne Eyes to Kill Intense Eyeshadow ($32) is a pinked-champagne with a high metallic finish. It's a beautiful shade that can be used as a wash of color on the eyes for a quick and easy every day look, and it also looks great on the cheekbones as a highlight. I think it's a shade that can be both used at day or night, but it does sport a high metallic shine, so some might prefer it as a highlight/accent shade for the workplace rather than wearing it all over the lids.

Giorgio Armani Eyes to Kill Intense Eyeshadows are described as being an innovative hybrid texture that isn't a powder or a cream. If you haven't felt these yourself, they feel like an extremely finely milled pressed or compacted pigment. The silkiness of the shadow makes it almost feel like a cream, but it's most definitely a powder. What's lovely about them is that because of the smooth texture, the shadow applies smoothly like a cream, but because it's a powder, it doesn't crease like a cream eyeshadow would.

If you've tried the L'Oreal Infallible Eyeshadows, you've had a little taste of the Eyes to Kill Eyeshadows because the texture is so similar. The Giorgio Armani shadows are just a bit silkier/less dry. Some people inquire if these are anything like the Chanel Illusion D'Ombre Eyeshadows and they aren't at all. The Illusion D'Ombre's are more-so like a cream consistency.

Although the powder is pressed down, when you touch it, the formula flakes a bit, so to reduce mess and fall-out during application, I like to use my fingers. A sponge applicator also works well. If you want to use a brush, a dense brush will work best to pick up a good amount of product for opaque coverage (such as a concealer brush or something like the Sigma E60 Shader Brush, as fluffy brushes can create some fall-out and a lighter coverage overall).

Giorgio Armani #8 Champagne Eyes to Kill Intense Eyeshadow

Giorgio Armani #8 Champagne Eyes to Kill Intense Eyeshadow

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Upcoming Posts!

Upcoming Posts on Miss Natty's Beauty Diary

Hey Everyone!

How is your Christmas shopping coming along? I'm so happy to say that I am completely done with my Christmas shopping and wrapping as of Sunday. Maybe that isn't too impressive, but shamefully, I'm typically one of those people that is looking for last minute things on Christmas Eve. I seem to always work better under pressure.. haha! I'm so happy I can sit back and relax, enjoy Christmas without any headaches and bake up a storm of holiday cookies at my own leisure.

Anyways, since I've been a bit busy, I haven't had too many updates in the past few days. I have so many posts lined up, but I wanted to let you know of some upcoming posts to look out for.

Kat Von D Tattoo Concealer  - I have a generous sample of this, and I've been using it for a few days now. So far, I'm liking it but I still can't tell if it's a product I'm going to purchase. I'm going to continue testing it out before I write up a review.

Kat Von D Tattoo Foundation - Several of you wanted me to try this foundation, so I picked up a sample of this as well. I've worn it for two days so far, and I'm liking it as well. I'm still going to continue testing it out over the next few days to see which is the best application method, etc. Right now I'm finding it feels a little heavy on my face, but I'm positive it's because you only need the tiniest bit. It's a very pigmented foundation.

YSL Le Teint Touche Eclat Foundation - This is another foundation that a few of you requested me to review, so I purchased a bottle a little over a week ago. The color I purchased is slightly too light (BD40) so I've only had the chance to wear it a few times since I've been tanning more regularly as of lately. So far I think it's a really nice light foundation for those who want a light-medium coverage and dewy/luminous skin. A full review will be fairly soon.

Nars Oasis Blush - Sin has been my go-to blush just about every day, but on the days when I'm not wearing Sin, I've been enjoying Oasis. It's actually a bit similar to Sin, but it's slightly more rosy with a little shimmer. I will review it shortly, along with an updated Nars Blush Collection post. I've collected many more colors since my older post. I'm think I'm done now with Nars Blushes - none of the other colors appeal too much to me.

Chanel Soleil Tan De Chanel - This is a product I've been using even before I started blogging back in '09. It's one of my favorite bronzers, and ironically, I have never reviewed it. After a few years I finally finished mine, and just purchased a new one. Being that it's still fresh and pretty, it's a great time to review the product and go over application methods, etc.

Giorgio Armani Eyes to Kill Intense Eyeshadow - I've been wanting to try these for ages, and finally got myself one. I wanted to get a versatile shade that I can wear often, so I got #8 Champagne which is a lovely pink-champagne. It's great for a wash of color on the lids and it doubles as a gorgeous highlight on the cheeks.

Those are the main ones that stick out at me, but there are also many more reviews and posts that I have lined up. If you're curious, check out my Upcoming Posts page. I try my best to update it regularly.

If you have any requests for product reviews, etc, please let me know in the comments! Happy Holidays!

Presents Image Credit: Selina Lake

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Jewelmint Burgundy Brilliance Earrings Review & Photos!

Jewelmint Burgundy Brilliance Earrings

Jewelmint Burgundy Brilliance Earrings

I have another Jewelmint post for you today! I actually purchased three items from my December showroom, all of which were new for the month of December.

Jewelmint Burgundy Brilliance Earrings feature a burgundy (which actually appears more amber in person) and a dangling long, slim polished silver triangle/spike filled with sparking gray stones.
"Long and ladylike, for a dose of high-end elegance, antique drip metal with black diamond embellishments meets burgundy crystal studs to create a look that's irresistibly fierce. About the Burgundy Brilliance Earrings: 6 mm burgundy stones attach to surgical steel posts. Imitation rhodium plating of drip metal equals 55mm long and is adorned by 1.5 mm black diamond colored crystals."
They absolutely beautiful, feminine, dainty yet also edgy. They are so unique and shine beautifully on the ears. The design is ultra light weight and very well crafted. They feel really light on the ears - in fact, when wearing them, I can't feel them at all!

These earrings are definitely one of my top favorites from all of my Jewelmint jewelry. They are overall such a classy piece and one that I think anyone would love. Highly recommended!

Jewelmint Burgundy Brilliance Earrings

Jewelmint Burgundy Brilliance Earrings

Friday, December 14, 2012

Guest Post: Revlon Candy Apple Lip Butter Review, Photos, Swatches!

Revlon Candy Apple Lip Butter

Revlon Candy Apple Lip Butter

If there was a perfect season to break out the red lipstick, winter is it! Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter ($6-8) is a balm-like ultra moisturizing lipstick. Revlon Lip Butters contain: Mango, Shea, and Coconut Butter to intensely moisturize the lips. Revlon says, “Instant burst of rich color with a feather light feel. Available in 20 gorgeous shades.”

For a fun holiday shade I picked ‘Candy Apple’ a bright red/orange. Candy Apple has no glitter unlike some of the other shades; it’s just a beautiful glossy finish. One coat has sheer coverage, but with multiple coats the color is very buildable. Candy Apple is also very wearable, it's not an in-your-face type of red. Which makes the color perfect for daytime wear, or for lipstick new-b’s.

Overall, this is a brilliant versatile lip product great for a holiday color, it's easy to use, and has a lovely texture. It doesn't last all day (1-2 hours) but it’s easy to re-apply and you don’t have to worry about bleeding or smudging.

What’s your favorite holiday lip product?

Revlon Candy Apple Lip Butter

Revlon Candy Apple Lip Butter Swatch
Revlon Candy Apple Lip Butter on my lips.

Revlon Candy Apple Lip Butter Swatch
Swatch of Revlon Candy Apple Lip Butter

Wearing Revlon Candy Apple Lip Butter

Revlon Candy Apple Lip Butter

Guest Post Written by RendeeGuest Post Written By Rendee

Rendee, a nursing student from Arizona has a huge passion for all things Beauty, DIY, and Photography related! You can check out her thoughts on all things beautiful at her blog Beauty by Ren. Another way you can stay can updated with Rendee's reviews, tips, and tricks is on Twitter @beautybyren.

If Rendee looks familiar to you, it's because she has guest posted before! Check out her Nars Mata Hari Blush Review.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Weekly Poll Results - Which Cosmetic Brand Would you Splurge on if you Could?

Which Cosmetic Brand Would you Splurge on if you Could?

In this weeks poll I asked which cosmetic brand would you splurge on if you could? Say you won a shopping spree for $500 and you could only purchase items from one brand. Which would you choose? Would you choose a brand with the highest price points so you can own some luxury products? Or would you go for your favorite brand which products you use already but can't really afford to splurge on products you're curious to try.

My favorite brands are MAC, Nars and Chanel. I pretty much already own almost everything I'd want from those brands, but I think I'd most definitely love to splurge on Chanel. I love every product I've tried from Chanel, but it's hard to walk away from a Chanel counter without spending $100 on a couple of items. I think I'd splurge on some eyeshadow quads, lipsticks and face products (foundation, concealer, blush, bronzer). I'd also be curious to try Tom Ford, but being such a makeup fanatic, it's so hard to choose! Some of the products look really tempting from what I've seen on other Beauty Blogs, but it's just out of my price range. The price point on Tom Ford Makeup is nuts, and I don't know if I could ever justify spending $80 on a foundation or $50 on a lipstick. I think MAC is a good choice too, I'd probably buy a ton of brushes.

The Results Are:

Chanel - 88 votes (23%)
Tom Ford - 37 votes (9%)
Dior - 27 votes (7%)
YSL - 24 votes (6%)
Bobbi Brown - 20 votes (5%)
Nars - 48 votes (12%)
Giorgio Armani - 20 votes (5%)
Dolce & Gabbana - 4 votes (1%)
Burberry - 6 votes (1%)
MAC - 92 votes (24%)
Other (not listed) - 13 votes (3%)

This poll is based on 379 votes.

It was fun to see which brands you'd all choose and the highest amount of votes went to MAC. Chanel came very close at number two.

Which brand would you choose? 

Are there any particular products you have in mind that you'd purchase right away?

As always, thank you all for participating in this weeks poll! If you have any ideas for future polls, shoot your suggestions my way! :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Jewelmint Pave Deco Ring Review & Photos! (Pic Heavy Post)

Jewelmint Pave Deco Ring

 Jewelmint Pave Deco Ring

Jewelmint Pave Deco Ring is another interesting piece from the Jewelmint December Collection. It's a large, chucky yellow gold with a dulled antique finish topped off with a silver cube filled with shimmering stones.
"Reminiscent of the wintery beauty of our best-selling Ever Frost Ring, this cubed sparkler takes the cocktail ring to a whole new level of glittering, edgy glamour. About the Pave Deco Ring: 4 sided center stoned cube measures 10 mm x 13 mm with 1.8 mm violet crystals. Worn imitation 14k gold ring measures 6 mm at the base and 14 mm across the top."
It's a really interesting and abstract piece, and I really don't own anything like it. I love large, kind of gaudy rings - sometimes even borderline masculine rings. With the size of this ring, it is a bit masculine, and it almost has a futuristic feel to it.

I like it best worn on the pointer finger as shown in the promo image on the Jewelmint site.

The quality of this ring seems to be really good. Generally, I've found that Jewelmint Rings are of excellent quality. This ring is really sturdy and has a bit of weight to it, but it's still comfortable on the finger.

I'm a bit worried about the cube though. The way it's positioned on the actual band, I feel that if I accidentally knocked the cube against something that there could be a chance it could pop off. It may very well not be the case at all, though. It could be soldered on very well, but just to be on the safe side, I'm not going to be wearing this ring every day.

Jewelmint Pave Deco Ring

Jewelmint Pave Deco Ring

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Guerlain Perles D'Azur Meteorites by Emilio Pucci Review, Photos and Swatches!

Guerlain Perles D'Azur Meteorites by Emilio Pucci

Guerlain Perles D'Azur Meteorites ($59) is a illuminating powder that gives the skin a natural, radiant appearance. There are six different colored pearls that come together to create a harmonious veil of light to the skin. The blue and pink pearls counteract yellow toned in tired complexions, beige and orange bring warm to the complexion, and ivory and white reflect light without a white cast. These particular Meteorites were limited edition from the Guerlain Summer Collection.

I find Meteorites something really hard to explain, but something you almost have to experience yourself.

I don't really like setting powders because I feel that many times by adding powder on top of liquid foundation, the powder can have the tendency to mattify the skin too much making the skin appear unnatural. But this powder absorbs the shine from the foundation without erasing the natural glow of the skin. In addition it will balance redness/discolorations in the skin and add a bit of luminosity to the skin.

I don't like much shimmer other than an occasional shimmery blush or highlighter, but I do wear Meteorites on a daily basis and I don't find it to be noticeable. Sometimes I apply a good amount on my face, and sometimes I'll apply a light dusting, but I'll tend to skip any extra shimmer if I'm applying a good coat.

With many shimmery products after several hours and the skin becomes oily, shimmery products tend to be more obvious, but I don't find it to be the case with Meteorites. Shimmery products also tend to make the pores appear enlarged, but with Meteorites, my pores actually appear softened.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Under $25!

Beautysets - Stocking Stuffers Under $25
1) Sparkling Faux Stone Necklace $19.80, Forever 21.
Forever 21 in general is a great place to gather stocking stuffers for a low price. Earrings and rings range from an average of $3-$7 each, and bracelets and necklaces range from an average of $7-$20. There are also fun accessories such as makeup brushes, mirrored compacts, makeup, nail polish, hats, gloves, scarves, cosmetic bags and more!
2) Essie Razzle Dazzle Manicure $16, Ulta.
Nail polish is a fun stocking stuffer, but what I love about this set is that is contains a base coat, nail polish and luxe effects glitter polish. A perfect little trio to create a pretty holiday mani or pedi.
3) MAC Russian Red Lipstick $15, MAC.
What's fun about the holidays is you sometimes receive gifts that you eally like but wouldn't necessarily spend the money on yourself. We'd all like to own a statement lipstick, but many of us are unwilling to pay for a product that we won't use on a daily basis. Russian Red is one of MAC's best selling red lipsticks that is flattering on most skin tones and is an overall great color for the holiday season.
4) Real Techniques Stippling Brush $10, Ulta.
I love Real Techniques Brushes, but I especially love the stippling brush. No one can go wrong with a foundation brush, and this one works exceptionally well for liquid, cream and powder foundation.
5) Smith's Rosebud Salve $6, Sephora.
Who doesn't need a good tube of lip balm? Smith's Rosebud Salve is my favorite for extra dry lips.
6) Tangle Teezer $12.99, Sally's.
The Tangle Teezer is such a fun product to give as a gift. Aside from the cute shape/design, it's really effective for brushing through easily tangled hair. If you have any friends/family with unruly hair, they can probably appreciate this little brush.
7) Sonia Kashuk Brush Set $24.99, Target.
I've been eyeballing this limited edition set for the past month every time I visit Target. Sonia Kasuk brushes are very high quality, and the brushes in this kit are extra soft and extra glamorous. It also comes with a glittery clutch which you can actually wear out, or use to store your brushes (I'm assuming they fit). I can't imagine anyone not liking this gift.
8) Pink Up All Night Body Mist $15, Victoria's Secret.
Victoria's Secret is an awesome place to stop by for stocking stuffers. Head over to the bins near the checkout and you'll find lots of goodies from lipgloss to mini body sprays and perfumes.
9) Physicians Formula Ph Matchmaker Blush $12.95, Drugstore.
I love everything about this blush. It comes in a nice compact that actually has LED lights so if worst case scenario, you can apply your blush in the dark! haha! The blush also has a pretty design and the brush included is actually soft and usable! Also, I found this blush to be the longest lasting drugstore blush I own.
10) Salux Japanese Nylon Wash Cloth $5.98, Salux Shop.
If you love to exfoliate, you'll love the Salux Cloth. It's a must-have product in my shower at all times. When used in conjunction with a moisturizing body lotion, you won't believe how soft your skin will be!
11) Faux Leather & Knot Combination Gloves $25.90, Zara.
I think anyone could use a good pair of gloves and I'm loving this pair from Zara. They are sold out online, but you might be lucky enough to find them in-store. Anyways, you might be able to find a trendy pair at TJMaxx/Marshalls for a similar price.
12) Anastasia Brow Prep $10, Sephora.
If you have a friend that pays special attention to their brows, I'm sure they'll appreciate a good pair of tweezers and brow gel. For $10, you can't beat it!
13) Too Faced Glamour to Go Palette $22, Sephora.
This set is great for teenagers, beginners or for anyone who loves makeup! It contains all of the products one would need to complete a look: (8) eyeshadows, (1) blush, (1) bronzer and (1) lipgloss.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cinema Secrets Friends & Family Sale Coming Soon!

Cinema Secrets Friends & Family Sale

Cinema Secrets will be hosting their Friends and Family Sale from Wednesday, December 12th through the 19th. Use the code: FF25 at checkout to receive 25% off your order! Now is a great time to try some goodies from the popular special effects makeup brand.

I've only tried the Cinema Secrets Ultimate Foundation, Foudation Palette & Moisture Spray, so I can't really comment on any of their other products, but the Ultimate Foundation is great. Although I don't find it ideal for every day, it makes the skin look flawless, and it photographs really well.

I like pairing the Ultimate Foundation with a silicone based primer and a light dusting of a setting powder and my skin will look airbrushed for hours. Because it's a cream-based foundation, I can start to really feel it on my face after 4-5 hours, and by the end of the day I can't wait to wash my face. Of course results may vary, and if you're use to cream foundations, it might not bother you. I like to save it for the holidays or occasions when I know I'll be in lots of photos.

Also, because it's a fairly full coverage foundation, you don't really need to use it all over the face. Sometimes I'll just buff a little over areas that need extra coverage.

Also, the palettes are great to have in your makeup artist kit!

Here's an older photo of me wearing Cinema Secrets Ultimate Foundation in shade #302A, which is equivalent to the MAC NC30 coloring. (click for full-size)

Friday, December 7, 2012

A little self-motivation for your day.

Being Confident

I don't know if any of you are familiar with Sprinkle of Glitter on Youtube, but she's a fabulous UK blogger/youtuber with a really down to earth and witty personality. When I want a laugh, I like to watch Louise's videos.

I really liked this video Lousie uploaded last week and I've been meaning to share it as I think it sends a really positive message to us all regarding our own self image. The video is titled 'Being Body Confident'.

We already know that no one is perfect, right? And that whatever the media sees as perfect, unique or beautiful isn't necessarily true, nor is it all realistic.

So regardless that we know no one out there is perfect, so many of us strive and exhaust ourselves over trying to reach our own personal ideal of what "perfection" is.

I've gone through being bullied growing up, being judged and being criticized for the way I look when I was older (even now) and although the way I present myself is important to me (I was raised in a house where looking put together/presentable on a daily basis was valued as a reflection of my family) but I also feel that through the years of people picking on the way I look, it has affected the way I see myself and has caused me to be absorbed in my looks over the years. Although I'm still not 100% happy with the way I look, I have really grown over the past few years. With the losses we go though in life, as well as the changes, growth, gains, etc it really starts to put some things in a better perspective.

Makeup Geek Eyeshadows Review, Photos and Swatches!

Makeup Geek Eyeshadows

Makeup Geek Eyeshadows

Makeup Geek Eyeshadows ($5.99) are a line of high quality and cruelty-free eyeshadows created by one of my favorite Youtube gurus, Marlena (also known as Makeup Geek!)

Makeup Geek Eyeshadows are available in an array of 56 colors, and today, I'll be showing you 18 of those colors.

Vanilla Bean is a sheer, creamy matte beige.
Beaches and Cream is a creamy matte peach-beige.
Shimma Shimma is a metallic champagne.
Peach Smoothie is a matte light peach.
Bleached Blonde is a shimmery dusty gold.
Gold Digger is a true metallic gold.
Chickadee is a matte medium orange.
Glamorous is a shimmery copper.
Cocoa Bear is a matte deep red-brown.
Pretentious is a metallic brown-bronze.
Homecoming is a medium brown with gold shimmer.

Makeup Geek Eyeshadow Swatches
From left to right: Vanilla Bean, Beaches and Cream, Shimma Shimma, Peach Smoothie, Bleached Blonde, Gold Digger, Chickadee, Glamorous, Cocoa Bear, Pretentious and Homecoming.

Bada-Bing is a deep, dark chocolate brown with gold sparkles.
Burlesque is a metallic plum-burgundy.
Sensuous is a soft shimmery purple with silver sparkles.
Drama Queen is a shimmery dark purple.
Ocean Breeze is a metallic ocean blue.
Envy is a deep metallic emerald.
Corrupt is an intense matte black with a very subtle sparkle.

Makeup Geek Eyeshadow Swatches
From left to right: Bada-Bing, Burlesque, Sensuous, Drama Queen, Ocean Breeze, Envy and Corrupt.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Urban Decay Naked Foundation First Impressions.

Urban Decay Naked Skin Foundation

Urban Decay Naked Skin Foundation

Urban Decay Naked Skin Foundation ($38) is a newer foundation by Urban Decay that is described as being "light as air", with coverage that's buildable but ultimately making you look like you're wearing nothing at all.

"Naked Skin uses light-diffusing spheres to "blur" imperfections for a luminous, demi-matte finish that feels invisible but looks professionally retouched. Naked Skin is oil-free, paraben-free, fragrance-free, and loaded with nourishing ingredients. "

Naked Skin is available in (18) shades: 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0. Shades ending in .5 are cool toned, and shades ending in .0 are warm toned.

4.0 seems to be a really good match for my warm NC30-35 skintone. I could probably go one shade up if I'm really tan, as 4.0 is better geared for NC30.

Urban Decay Naked Skin Foundation Swatches
From left to right: 2.0, 3.5, 4.0 and 8.0.

This foundation is often compared to Make Up Forever HD Foundation, and with MUFE HD being one of my favorite foundations, I was really curious to try Naked Skin. 

Although the sample I have doesn't have an adequate amount of foundation to properly test the foundation, I was able to gather some thoughts and decide whether it's a foundation I'd purchase or not.

First off, the consistency is very thin and velvety. It has a watery, silicone consistency (had I known this prior, I probably wouldn't have been curious to try it).

After blending a small amount of product on my face, the product almost played a magic trick - once it was completely blended, it looked like nothing was there. After examining the side of my face without foundation, I noticed that the foundation softened the appearance of my pores and gave a little color to my skin. I didn't notice much, if any coverage, but the side with foundation did look slightly better. With another coat of foundation, flaws were concealed a bit better, but still visible. Redness and any discolorations are evened out, pores are softened and my skin has a velvety matte finish. It feels completely weightless on my skin.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sneak Peak MAC Strength Collection for Spring 2013!

MAC Strength Collection

MAC Strength Collection for Spring 2013

Some of you may have heard about this collection that's soon to come to MAC counters, but I thought it looked like a pretty interesting collection, so I thought I'd share!

"I am woman: fearless, elegant, strong. We love women who strike powerful poses, stand out, redefine the notion of beauty – and do it with an inner/outer strength that`s irresistible and impossible to ignore. Colour is a vehicle for women to flex their femininity and MAC`s new collection reflects this state of mind and style. It starts with dramatic eyes defined by two Eye Shadow Quads that sculpt and highlight, precision Penultimate Eye Liner and extra-volumizing Opulash. Lips pump up with vivid colour to project power while Powder Blush in natural tones softly chisels cheeks. And, nailing it for overall presentation, MAC`s high-gloss Nail Lacquer."

Lipstick – Limited Edition
  • Party Parrot – Bright red pink (Matte)
  • Pink Pigeon – Bright cleanest pink (Matte)
  • Strong Woman – Bright violet (Matte)
  • Absolute Power – Rich red (Matte)
  • Firm Form – Gilded black with gold pearlized pigments (Matte)
Lip Pencil – Limited Edition
  • Embrace Me – Vivid pinkish fuchsia
  • Lasting Sensation – Bright coral
All Woman Eye Shadow x4 – Limited Edition
  • Flawless Figure – Pale warm shimmering white (Veluxe Pearl)
  • Brains & Brawn – Mid-tone taupe (Matte)
  • All Woman – Greenish dark grey (Satin)
  • Black Magique – Deep dark black with warm tones (Velvet)
Inner Strength Eye Shadow x4 – Limited Edition
  • Lithe Spirit – Palest white pink (Satin)
  • Inner Strength – Light cool mauve taupe (Matte)
  • Fabulous Fit – Mid-tone cool grey (Matte)
  • Heatherbelles – Deep charcoal (Satin)
Powder Blush – Limited Edition
  • Taupe Shape – Satiny taupe
  • Poised – Muted pinkish brown
Penultimate Eye Liner
  • Rapidblack – True black
Kohl Power Eye Pencil
Technakohl Liner
    Nail Lacquer – Limited Edition
    • Muscle Tone – Pale neutral nude (Cream)
    • Triumphant – Mid-tone cool brown (Cream)
    • 168 Brush – Large Angled Contour Brush (Natural Fibre)
    • 275 Brush – Medium Angled Shading Brush (Natural Fibre)

    Launch Date: I've read lots of rumors about this collection - some have said it will launch at the end of December/Early January, and there has been speculation that it will be sold exclusively in-store. I asked a MAC representative in the Live Chat, and they confirmed it will be available in-store and online. Still though, I don't know if it's 100% accurate. I guess we'll have to wait and see!

    (screenshot of Live Chat)

    Source: From my lovely friends on Specktra.